The emergence of the Mahdi

November 29, 2017
Q. Is it told in the Quran when the Mahdi will come to save the muslims? . Praise be to Allaah.   The Muslim must understand that evidence f...
The emergence of the Mahdi The emergence of the Mahdi Reviewed by Al Quran on November 29, 2017 Rating: 5
The Dajjaal (Anti-Christ), Al-Daabbah (the Beast) and Ya’jooj and Ma’jooj (Gog and Magog) The Dajjaal (Anti-Christ), Al-Daabbah (the Beast) and Ya’jooj and Ma’jooj (Gog and Magog) Reviewed by Al Quran on November 29, 2017 Rating: 5
Do Ya’jooj and Ma’jooj exist at the present time, and is the barrier real? Do Ya’jooj and Ma’jooj exist at the present time, and is the barrier real? Reviewed by Al Quran on November 27, 2017 Rating: 5
Did the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) know when the Hour would begin?. Did the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) know when the Hour would begin?. Reviewed by Al Quran on November 27, 2017 Rating: 5

The fitnah of the Dajjaal

November 26, 2017
Praise be to Allaah. The fitnah of the Dajjaal will be the greatest fitnah from the time Allaah created Adam until the Hour begins. This wi...
The fitnah of the Dajjaal The fitnah of the Dajjaal Reviewed by Al Quran on November 26, 2017 Rating: 5
Protection against the fitnah of the Dajjaal Protection against the fitnah of the Dajjaal Reviewed by Al Quran on November 26, 2017 Rating: 5

The death of the Dajjaal

November 26, 2017
Praise be to Allaah. The Dajjaal will die at the hands of the Messiah ‘Eesa ibn Maryam (peace be upon him), as is indicated by the saheeh a...
The death of the Dajjaal The death of the Dajjaal Reviewed by Al Quran on November 26, 2017 Rating: 5
Places where the Dajjaal will never enter Places where the Dajjaal will never enter Reviewed by Al Quran on November 26, 2017 Rating: 5

Where the Dajjaal will emerge

November 26, 2017
Praise be to Allaah. The Dajjaal will emerge from the direction of the east, from Khurasaan, from among the Jews of Isfahaan. Then he will ...
Where the Dajjaal will emerge Where the Dajjaal will emerge Reviewed by Al Quran on November 26, 2017 Rating: 5
Who will be the followers of the Dajjaal? Who will be the followers of the Dajjaal? Reviewed by Al Quran on November 25, 2017 Rating: 5

Who is the Dajjaal

November 25, 2017
Q. Who is the Dajjaal and what are his attributes? Praise be to Allaah.   Meaning of the word Maseeh (Messiah)  There are over fifty scholar...
Who is the Dajjaal Who is the Dajjaal Reviewed by Al Quran on November 25, 2017 Rating: 5
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